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Leadership Workshop

People Management Skills

Equip your people managers with the necessary skills to develop high-performing teams

Meet Terri Bailey

Terri Bailey is a trusted Business Partner and PI Associate at RPX2 Ltd. She is passionate about developing people and organisations.

Her HR Consultancy Auralite 23 provides support with Leadership and Management Development, Organisational Design and Development, and all aspects of HR/people activities. They help companies to develop their strategy, vision, mission and values. Magic happens when people strategies are aligned with business plans.

Terri’s extensive experience, knowledge and expertise within HR has enabled her to be a trusted advisor to C-Suites whilst in-house but now on a wider scale through her consultancy work

She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) and a Fellow of the Learning & Performance Institute (LPI) and has worked in HR for over 25 years.

Her wide-ranging experiences with developing high-performing teams, HR/people transformation projects, organisational development programmes, and driving and maintaining high levels of engagement are palpable in this People Management Skills training.


“I have always been passionate about developing people. I believe highly engaged, motivated people who care about the organisation they work for being a success, is the key to high-performing teams and organisations.  To achieve this Managers and Leaders need to understand their people’s aspirations, reward and recognise them appropriately and develop them.  My aim is to help organisations develop great Managers and Leaders who inspire their teams.”

Terri Bailey

Why should organisations

Invest in training your managers

People managers play a pivotal role in the success of an organisation.

Yet, many companies promote individuals into management roles – often with the best of intentions but without the necessary training or preparation. This creates significant challenges for both the managers and their teams.

Connect with Terri to find out more about how the People Management Skills training can help to fill the skills gap.

Tune into this insightful episode of our conversation around People Matters where we explore the art of people management with Terri.

Promote leaders and provide

Support and training

So, why do some companies promote individuals into people manager roles without the appropriate training? Often, it’s due to the mistaken belief that excelling in their previous roles and strong technical skills automatically make someone a good manager. A misconception that sadly doesn’t often hold true.

Effective people management is essential for building high-performing teams. Knowing how to lead, motivate, engage, and develop employees isn’t just important for their wellbeing and job satisfaction — it’s crucial for retaining top talent.

The two-day People Management Skills programme is designed to equip participants with a practical ‘toolkit’ of tips and strategies to help them become more effective people managers and build high-performing teams.


People Management Skills Workshop

What to expect?

This workshop is ideal for brand new people managers, future potential people managers and those who have some managerial experience but are keen to build on their leadership skills and abilities with new tools and techniques.


Delivered face-to-face and in-house for a minimum of 3 delegates


Interactive sessions to bring the theory to life


Practical activities and participation to reinforce learning


Improved leadership toolkit and techniques

What are the

Workshop objectives?

  • To develop/enhance people management skills and provide delegates with tools and techniques they can use to effectively manage, motivate, engage and develop their staff
  • To use scientific people data to give participants a better understanding of their own motivational drives, needs and behaviours to help them become more self-aware
  • To help participants to understand the impact their leadership style has on others
  • To use people analytics to develop skills required to effectively manage people and handle difficult situations and conflict in the workplace
  • To utilise tools and techniques to help manage the team’s performance
  • To help the participant to develop some basic coaching skills, applying tools and techniques to coach others to help the develop
  • To develop as an inspirational Manager/Leader

What is the format and content of the workshop?


2-day in-house workshop for Predictive Index clients. Not already a PI client? No problem! Do get in touch to find out what’s involved.

The course is designed to be delivered face-to-face for maximum impact.


Day 1

  • Leadership vs. Management
  • How to build and lead successful teams
  • Understanding different PI Behavioural Assessments
  • How to motivate people
  • Understanding the impact you have on others (self-awareness)
  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence
  • Handling difficult conversations
  • Handling conflict in the workplace
  • Your role in running the business


Day 2

  • Developing effective communication and listening skills
  • How to improve performance
  • Growth mindset
  • Setting and reviewing SMART objectives
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Performance reviews/performance conversations
  • Personal development
  • How to help manage change
  • How to coach others
  • Action plans


Optional 3rd Day

  • Diversity, equity & inclusion
  • Your role in driving the right culture and embedding company values
  • Remote teams – How to keep team members engaged and motivated
  • Stress management
  • Wellbeing
  • Bullying and harassment (including sexual harassment)
  • Understanding, identifying and tackling inappropriate workplace behaviour and victimisation
  • Your commitments and new ways of working
“The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.”
John C. Maxwell