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Explore our blog articles and audio content on all things Talent Optimization. You will find bite-sized conversations on people matters, thought-provoking articles, interesting client stories and aids to help you increase employee engagement, build winning teams, and improve relationships at work - and of course realise your own potential and that of your employees.

How to pull your teeth back from the edge

“She sets my teeth on edge.” “He makes my skin crawl.” “People like that are just annoying.” Have you ever said that, or, maybe even just thought that, about someone? I know I have. Why do we like or dislike…

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Of squinting cats and great leadership

It’s that tired old question: Can a chubby moggy with a befuddling squint and an inflated ego actually become a great leader? Working from home during lockdown has provided the perfect opportunity to really observe the behaviours of my three…

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